Jurassic World

4.3/5 Votes: 1,846,461
Jam City Inc.
Released on
May 11, 2015
Jun 11, 2024
80 MB
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What is Jurassic World?

Jurassic World is a mobile game that brings the iconic Jurassic Park franchise to life on your handheld device. Developed by Ludia Inc., the game invites players to create and manage their own Jurassic World, complete with dinosaur exhibits, research facilities, and thrilling challenges. With a combination of simulation and strategy elements, players are tasked with building and maintaining a dinosaur-themed park while ensuring the safety and satisfaction of their visitors.

Graphic in Jurassic World

One of the standout features of Jurassic World is its stunning graphics that transport players to a visually breathtaking prehistoric world. The attention to detail in rendering lifelike dinosaurs and intricately designed landscapes contributes to the overall immersive experience. From the majestic T-Rex to the agile Velociraptors, each dinosaur is meticulously animated, adding a sense of realism to the game. The use of cutting-edge graphics technology enhances the overall gameplay, making Jurassic World a visual treat for gaming enthusiasts.

Some Features in Jurassic World

Jurassic World boasts a variety of features that make it a compelling mobile gaming experience. One notable aspect is the ability to collect, hatch, and evolve a diverse array of dinosaurs. Players can engage in battles with other players’ dinosaurs, participate in special events, and complete missions to unlock new species. The game also includes a storyline that unfolds as players progress, adding an element of narrative to the gameplay.

The management aspect of Jurassic World is equally engaging, requiring players to construct and upgrade buildings, develop research facilities, and ensure the overall functionality of the park. Balancing the needs of the dinosaurs, visitors, and park infrastructure adds a strategic layer to the gameplay, making it both challenging and rewarding.

How to Download Jurassic World 

Downloading Jurassic World to your mobile device is a straightforward process, especially for Android users who can access the game through the Google Play Store. Follow these steps to bring the Jurassic experience to your fingertips:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. In the search bar, type “Jurassic World” and press Enter.
  3. Locate the official Jurassic World game developed by Ludia Inc.
  4. Click on the “Install” button to download and install the game on your device.
  5. Once the installation is complete, open the game and start your Jurassic adventure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any mobile game, Jurassic World comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


  • Visual Excellence: The game’s high-quality graphics provide a visually stunning experience for players, enhancing the overall enjoyment of the Jurassic Park world.
  • Diverse Gameplay: The combination of simulation, strategy, and battle elements offers a diverse range of activities, keeping players engaged with various aspects of park management and dinosaur interactions.
  • Regular Updates: Developers frequently release updates, introducing new dinosaurs, features, and events, ensuring that the game remains dynamic and fresh over time.
  • Social Interaction: Players can connect with friends, visit their parks, and engage in friendly battles, adding a social aspect to the gaming experience.


  • In-App Purchases: While the game is free to play, it includes in-app purchases that can expedite progress. Some players may find the temptation to spend real money to advance in the game a drawback.
  • Resource Management: Balancing the needs of dinosaurs, visitors, and resources can be challenging, and some players may find the management aspect of the game overwhelming.


Jurassic World offers a captivating blend of graphics, gameplay, and strategic elements that cater to fans of the Jurassic Park franchise and mobile gaming enthusiasts alike. With its visually stunning depiction of dinosaurs and engaging gameplay, it has become a standout title in the mobile gaming landscape. By providing a unique opportunity to build and manage your own Jurassic World, the game successfully captures the essence of the beloved film franchise.

Whether you’re a fan of dinosaurs, strategy games, or simply seeking an immersive mobile gaming experience, Jurassic World is a thrilling adventure that brings the awe-inspiring world of dinosaurs to the palm of your hand. Download it from Google Play, embark on your Jurassic journey, and witness the prehistoric wonders come to life on your mobile device.

What's new

- Get rewarded! Come back daily for NEW calendar rewards - you never know what's waiting!
- New creatures will be entering the park soon – come back daily for more details.
- Bug fixes and optimizations for a smoother experience.



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