Dragon City

4.5/5 Votes: 10,874,563
Social Point
252 MB
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What is Dragon City ?

Dragon City is a mobile and web-based game developed by Social Point, in which players build and manage a city of dragons. The game features a variety of tasks and challenges, including breeding and raising dragons, building habitats and buildings to support the dragons, and battling other players’ dragons in the game’s arena.

Players start the game with a few basic dragons and must breed and hatch more to grow their dragon collection. As players progress through the game, they can earn rewards and unlock new dragons with unique abilities and characteristics.

Dragon City also features social aspects, allowing players to connect with friends and other players through social media and participate in cooperative gameplay through alliances and events.

Graphics and Sound

The dragons themselves are beautifully animated, with a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes that make each one unique. The game’s environments, including the city buildings and habitats, are also visually appealing and add to the game’s overall atmosphere.

The sound effects in Dragon City are also well-done, with each dragon having its own distinct sounds and vocalizations. The game’s music is upbeat and catchy, creating a fun and immersive gaming experience.

Some Features in Dragon City

Certainly! Here are some features of Dragon City:

Dragon Breeding: Players can breed different types of dragons to create new hybrids with unique abilities and characteristics.

Dragon Training: Players can train their dragons to improve their stats and abilities, making them more powerful in battle.

City Building: Players can build and decorate their city with various buildings and habitats to support their dragons.

Battle Arena: Players can compete against other players’ dragons in the game’s battle arena and climb the rankings to become the top dragon trainer.

Quests and Events: The game features various quests and events that players can participate in to earn rewards and unlock new content.

Social Features: Players can connect with friends and other players through social media, form alliances, and participate in cooperative gameplay.

Dragon Book: The Dragon Book is a collection of all the dragons in the game, along with their stats and abilities. Players can use it to keep track of their dragon collection and plan their breeding strategies.

Dragon Skins: Players can also unlock and purchase skins for their dragons, allowing them to customize their appearance.

How to download Dragon City for your Moile

To download Dragon City on your mobile device, follow these steps:

  • Open the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices) on your mobile device.
  • In the search bar, type “Dragon City” and press enter.
  • Select the official Dragon City app from the search results.
  • Click on the “Download” or “Install” button to begin the download process.
  • Once the app is downloaded and installed, open it and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account or log in to an existing one.
  • Start playing the game and enjoy breeding and raising your dragons, building your city, and battling other players’ dragons.


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Advantages and Disadvantages

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of playing Dragon City:


Fun and Engaging: Dragon City is a fun and engaging game that offers a wide range of features and gameplay options, making it enjoyable for dragon lovers and strategy enthusiasts alike.

Free-to-play: The game is free to play, which means anyone can download and start playing without any upfront costs.

Social Aspects: Dragon City offers various social aspects that allow players to connect with friends and other players through social media, form alliances, and participate in cooperative gameplay.

Beautiful Graphics: The game’s dragons and environments are beautifully animated and visually appealing, creating an immersive gaming experience.


Time-consuming: Like many mobile games, Dragon City can be time-consuming, requiring players to check in regularly to tend to their dragons and progress through the game.

In-app Purchases: While the game is free to play, it does offer in-app purchases for various items and resources, which can be tempting for players who want to progress quickly or obtain rare dragons.

Repetitive Gameplay: Some players may find the gameplay repetitive, especially when it comes to breeding and raising dragons, which can involve a lot of waiting and trial and error.


In conclusion, Dragon City is a fun and engaging mobile and web-based game developed by Social Point that allows players to build and manage a city of dragons. With a variety of features and gameplay options, including dragon breeding, training, city building, battle arena, and social aspects, Dragon City offers something for everyone, from dragon lovers to strategy enthusiasts. While the game has some disadvantages, such as being time-consuming and offering in-app purchases, its advantages, including its beautiful graphics, free-to-play model, and social aspects, make it a popular and enjoyable game for many players.

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